Would get money back if possible. Program is fast, has a pretty good flow, lots of easy to use features, but have too many critical problems and non-critical issues to be considered usable, all noticeable on first time trying to use productively.
Cant believe an app this flawed can be released for money. I thought apple regulated some of this stuff? A trial version would be a great way to find that this is junk before actually buying. I just spent more time writing a bad comment that searched for the app to begin with, and if didnt feel so ripped off, wouldnt have cared enough to write this.
Not usable for at last the 3 MAJOR reasons:
****MAJOR ISSUE******
When viewing files, TEXT DOESNT WRAP, and cant find option anywhere!!!! Who would ever write a program where the text isnt able to wrap, ESPECIALLY when designed for something with a small screen? This is an app for programming, yet the programmer didnt think of this? Wouldnt this effect them as much?
****MAJOR ISSUE******
When file is open in tab, and you make changes to the file, and close it, it doesnt ask if youre sure. This is particularly inconvienient because it is easy to accidentally close the file and loose work because the "x" button is also next to the tool bar, so the first time using it,I typed code which was good, went to press the snippet button, and accidentally closed with no warning. Not a good first impression, and looses a star for that alone.
****MAJOR ISSUE******
When using tab to tab over, spaces appear from nowhere, so then delete the spaces, continue on, and then edit same text after, and letters that where there before are gone. Almost like the spaces that showed were "not real", so when yo delete them, you actually delete characters, even tho screen shows normal, (except for when the spaces show unexpectedly in the first place).
*Another set of particularly annoying issues is with managing the files. It is tricky to get used to, with many problems such as:
- when copying and pasting files/folders, if you select a folder, and select cut/copy, then go somewhere else and create a folder to paste whatever it was in, the action of creating the folder somehow cancels the cut/copy that was done, so cant paste. Took many tries to realize that had to do copy, then paste directly after, otherwise app forgets the request, very comber some having to go out to create the folder, go back in to copy/cut, then back out to paste.
- also when copying and pasting, you can select a file or folder to copy/cut, but cant select multiple, so cant copy several folders at once without going back and forth one by one (obviously wont happen)
- thirdly, if you copy and paste a file/folder with the same name, no option to overwrite (which is usually why I would copy a file over itself), or cant even make a copy with different name, just error.
- cant copy and paste a file into a folder itself, you have to awkwardly go to the previous folder, go to the "manage" on that folder to then do the paste, cant paste while actually inside the folder your pasting to.
- download to local, and sync to local doesnt seem to do anything (unless missing something like a final step, if so then would consider the feature not user friendly), and what is the difference between copy and paste a file to local, or copy to local? 2 types of copying necessary?
*The built in preview seems strange and useless, the first file I opened was php (my most common) and viewed as text. I clicked source mode and was the same (I know a php parser was very unlikely in an app, but if can render everything, why bother, cause still have to go to real browser to preview for that alone, so seems pointless). Also firebug is built in which even seems more pointless, especially considering how small the little buttons are on it, obviously not meant for touch screen
*Default code highlighting theme doesnt highlight much, was hard to tell if was working at first, and glitchy, for example the first file I had open had the word "end" in a comment. That was highlighted separate from the rest of the comment as if it were a command. Sloppy and distracting.
On the plus side, the opening a file from FTP, and one touch upload back to FTP server is very nice and as simple as possible, and if all work is done by editing files from server, and not trying to download, sync, copy or paste files locally, then not bad app.
SlavianNL about Koder Code Editor, v1.3